Pere Marquette Railway Bibliography

Updated: 22-AUG-2008
The books listed below contain prototype information useful to the PM enthusiast and the PM modeler. These, coupled with articles in back-issues of PM Tracks and PM Rails and the Chesapeake and Ohio Historical Magazine provide a good base of information on the Pere Marquette and were useful in assembling this guide.

Since this is a "work in progress", if you know of any other books that we have overlooked here which contain significant amounts of information about the Pere Marquette, please let us know via e-mail to .


Index (by title)

Railroad Depots of Michigan 1910-1920 by David J. Mrozek
(Arcadia Publishing, 2008) A collection of photos of railroad depots in Michigan, featuring 34 photos of PM or M&NE depots in its 128 pages. Most of the source photos and postcards are not commonly sesn.

The Railroads of Holland, Michigan- Volume One: The Nineteenth Century by Donald L. Van Reken
This book, available from the author (Donald Van Reken, 3373 Waverly Pointe, Holland, MI 49424. $14.95 + $3.00 shipping/handling) is a history of the PM's predecessors in Holland, prior to the formation of the PM in 1900. The primary source material is newspaper reports from that era. Highly detailed, including maps and photos. Reviewed by Paul Trap in the November 1997, PM Tracks.

The Railroads of Holland, Michigan- Volume Two: The Twentieth Century by Donald L. Van Reken
This second volume in author Van Reken's series chronologically documents the events along the Pere Marquette in Holland from the beginning of 1900 (where the first volume left off) up through the era of Amtrak and CSX. Illustrated with nearly 100 maps and photos, this volume, too, is available from the author ($14.95 + $3.00 shipping/handling, see address above). Reviewed by Bob Vande Vusse in the May, 1999, PM Tracks.

Rails to the Border (Volume One) The New York Central, Chesapeake & Ohio, and Wabash in Southern Ontario by Kevin J. Holland
(British Railway Modelers of North America, 2001). A 36-page softbound book touching briefly on the US railroads which operated across Southern Ontario. Ten pages cover the PM, C&O and Chessie System lines from Walkerville (Windsor) to Suspension Bridge (Buffalo, NY) and from Erieau to Sarnia. Contains a map and ten good-sized black and white photos. Coverage ends around 1987 with the consolidation of the Chessie System into CSX.

Rails to the Border (Volume Two) The Pere Marquette and Chesapeake & Ohio in Southern Ontario by Kevin J. Holland
(British Railway Modelers of North America, 2001). The second volume in this series deals exclusively with PM, C&O Chessie System and CSX and in greater detail than Volume One. This volume includes coverage of the Detroit River ferries and the coal transfer dock at Erieau, Ontario. 28 pages.

Railway Steamships of Ontario by Dana Ashdown
(Boston Mills Press, 1988). This book covers the railroad-operated lake and river carferries and break-bulk steam ships that operated between ports in the U.S. and Canada. Brief coverage is given to the PM/C&O ferry operations at the Detroit and on the St. Clair river in Port Huron. The PM's Lake Michigan ferries receive note for their infrequent use on the Marquette & Bessemer route on Lake Erie.

Sail and Rail - A Narrative History of Transportation in Western Michigan by Lawrence and Lucille Wakefield
(Reprinted by Thunder Bay Press, 1996). Concentrating on the northwestern portion of Michigan's Lower Peninsula, this book covers the history of lake navigation and the railroads in an area stretching from Manistee to Traverse City. 35 pages cover the Pere Marquette, the Chicago & West Michigan, and the Manistee & North Eastern. Out of print, but can be located without too much searching.

S.S. City of Midland 41 by Art Chavez
(Arcadia Publishing, 2004). Art Chavez's complete history of the last ferry purchased by the Pere Marquette, from her initial planning and construction in 1940 and 1941 to her conversion to a freight barge in 1997. With extensive photos and diagrams, including photos of her construction and fitting out at Manitowoc as well as her being stripped to the decks at Muskegon.

The Steam Age in Western Ontario by Prof. E.B. George
(F.J. Ram, 1977). This book deals with the Pere Marquette's operations in Ontario, among other topics. Details requested.

Steel Cabooses of the Chesapeake & Ohio 1937-1987 by Dwight Jones
(COHS, 1987). Three chapters cover the #A900- and #A950-series cabooses as well as briefly looking at the use of passenger cars and ex-troop sleepers as cabooses on the PM and C&O. Complete disposition information as well as painting/lettering data are included. A chart listing paint and appropriate decal lettering for models in several scales is included as well.

The Van Sweringen Berkshires by Eugene Huddleston
(N.J. International, 1986). Contains a section discussing the characteristics and use of the PM's three classes of Berkshires, with over a dozen black and white photographs of these locomotives both before and after the PM-C&O merger. Includes a color painting centerspread featuring #1226.

The Van Sweringen Berkshires, Parts 1 through 3, Railfan and Railroad, May, July and September, 1984 by Eugene Huddleston
(Carstens, 1984). A three-part series of articles by Eugene Huddleston chronicles the development and use of the "Van Sweringen" Berkshires, of which the PM's Berkshires were members. Part 1 (May, 1984) contains what little information there is on the PM's locomotives. If you have Huddleston's Van Sweringen Berkshires you already have the material contained in these articles, and much more.
Vignettes of the Old Pere Marquette in Canada by Prof. E.B. George
(F.J. Ram, 1990). As the title indicates, this book contains scattered reminiscences of the PM's operations in Ontario, emphasizing its operation of the London and Port Stanley railroad. Most of the material in this book apparently did not fit into The Steam Age in Western Ontario or was acquired after its publication.

Index (by title)


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